ambiX v0.3.0 – Ambisonic plug-in suite

I am happy to finally release my cross-platform Ambisonic processors useable as VST/LV2 plug-ins or standalone application under Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. They can be used in flexible hosts like Reaper, Ardour, MaxMSP, Bidule or as standalone applications with Jack.

The plug-ins can be used to produce 3D Ambisonic content or do post production on recordings. (eg. Soundfield or Eigenmike® microphone recordings)
The Ambisonic order is variable and can be choosen at compile time. A practical limitation for Reaper is 7th order due to the 64 channel limit. The processors use the ambiX convention (full 3D, ACN channel ordering, SN3D normalization)

ambiX screenshot ReaperA short video clip showing the plug-ins in action:

You may want to use these plug-ins in combination with the mcfx multichannel effect plug-in suite:

Source code repository:


Download binaries from Github:


You will also need the binaural decoder presets if you want to listen with headphones:
(download includes decoder matrices + binaural loudspeaker impulse responses)

Some more good presets from the BBC can be downloaded here:

Install the decoder presets to:
Windows 7/8: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ambix\binaural_presets\
MacOS: ~/Library/ambix/binaural_presets/
Linux: ~/ambix/binaural_presets/

Currently there is no preset generator included, you have to generate your decoding matrix with other tools. For example with the Ambisonic Decoder Toolbox by Aaron Heller using Matlab/Octave: [Source repo] [LAC Article].

Read this article from the AES Design competition for some informations regarding the plug-ins!

A slightly outdated paper about the plug-ins can be found here:

Ambisonic transformations are described here ICSA2014_KronlachnerZotter_AmbisonicTransformations.pdf

This software was developed during the work on my master thesis at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustic Graz. [ IEM ]

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mcfx v0.6.0 – multichannel audio plug-in suite

mcfx_meter32mcfx is a suite of multichannel VST plug-ins for MacOS, Windows and Linux
(mcfx_convolver, mcfx_delay, mcfx_filter, mcfx_gain_delay, mcfx_meter)

these plug-ins are very handy if you want to process multiple channels in one go for example
* multiple loudspeaker setups, Ambisonics (see ambiX)
* Microphone array post productions (eg. Eigenmike®)

currently high channel counts per track are only possible with the DAWs Reaper (Win, OSX) and Ardour (Linux, OSX)

– channel count is configurable with compile time flag
– cross plattform VST for MacOSX, Windows and Linux
– uses the JUCE framework (
– ready to use binaries for MacOSX (≥ 10.7, 32/64 bit, Apple Silicon) and Windows (32/64 bit)mcfx_gain_delay_screenshot

Source code:

VST Binaries: (2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 36, 50, 64 channel version)



downloadDownload binaries from:


Additionally you can download some example first order B-format reverb presets for mcfx_convolver:
Here is a help file explaining the .conf files.
Note that you have to use ambix_converter after the convolver and choose the preset .amb -> ambix in case you want to use those impulse responses in combination with ambix_decoder or ambix_binaural.

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Kirchenchor Schwanenstadt

[ Homepage ]
I made my first recording experience within the church choir of Schwanenstadt. They perform a-capella sacral music and classical orchestral masses.
I’m responsible for their recordings, website and sometimes I play the clarinet in the orchestra.

Joseph Haydn – Harmoniemesse – Agnus Dei

Mozart Requiem – Tuba Mirum

Triskaideka – for piano and live electronics

part2-excerpt13 studies for piano and live electronic
in equally tempered Bohlen-Pierce tuning

The piece “Triskaideka” for piano tuned in the equal temperament Bohlen-Pierce scale and live electronics was developed during my Erasmus semester at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius.


Watch the score!

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Unter Umständen – short movie

photo by Antje EisterhuberIn the end of 2011 the short movie written and directed by Andreas Kurz “Unter Umständen” will be released.
I was responsible for recording the original dialogs, foley, recording filmmusic and mix/mastering.

[ Rubatofilm ]
[ David Six ]

(C) RubatofilmPart of Exposition composed by David Six

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