mcfx v0.6.0 – multichannel audio plug-in suite

mcfx_meter32mcfx is a suite of multichannel VST plug-ins for MacOS, Windows and Linux
(mcfx_convolver, mcfx_delay, mcfx_filter, mcfx_gain_delay, mcfx_meter)

these plug-ins are very handy if you want to process multiple channels in one go for example
* multiple loudspeaker setups, Ambisonics (see ambiX)
* Microphone array post productions (eg. Eigenmike®)

currently high channel counts per track are only possible with the DAWs Reaper (Win, OSX) and Ardour (Linux, OSX)

– channel count is configurable with compile time flag
– cross plattform VST for MacOSX, Windows and Linux
– uses the JUCE framework (
– ready to use binaries for MacOSX (≥ 10.7, 32/64 bit, Apple Silicon) and Windows (32/64 bit)mcfx_gain_delay_screenshot

Source code:

VST Binaries: (2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 36, 50, 64 channel version)



downloadDownload binaries from:


Additionally you can download some example first order B-format reverb presets for mcfx_convolver:
Here is a help file explaining the .conf files.
Note that you have to use ambix_converter after the convolver and choose the preset .amb -> ambix in case you want to use those impulse responses in combination with ambix_decoder or ambix_binaural.

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