pd-external: pix_openni 0.10

If you are working with Xbox Kinect Sensor here is another goodie for you – A pure data / Gem external to get Kinect rgb and depth streams as well as skeleton tracking and multiple hand tracking via OpenNI[ref name=”openni”]http://www.openni.org[/ref]

Download the packed Binaries for OSX and Windows pix_openni-0.10.zip .
Latest sourcecode available at github: http://github.com/kronihias/pix_openni

Look at this page if you don’t know how to install a Pd-External.

To control tilt, led and output accelerometer data you can use libfreenect based http://github.com/kronihias/freenect.
To get audio streams you can use libfreenect based http://github.com/kronihias/freenect_audio.
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The Kinect distance sensor as human-machine-interface in audio-visual art projects

excerpt of project thesis

excerpt of project thesis

I finished my project thesis including general information about the Microsoft Kinect sensor device as well as a detailed documentation about it’s application in combination with Pure Data and Gem.

This document might be useful for people working with the Kinect in combination with interactive sound and video installations and performances.

Get the PDF document here!


Find some examples about the usage of the externals pix_freenect, pix_openni, pix_threshold_depth, pix_depth2rgba, pix_head_pose_estimation on the Github page http://github.com/kronihias/pd-kinect-examples

In the moment just Mac OSX binaries of the externals are included. Windows binaries coming soon. Linux – please get the source from Github and build them by yourself.
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